May 5th, 2023

The Stenger Family Celebrates Eight Generations in Naperville!

NCTV: The Stenger family calls Naperville home for eight generations

“We just had our son Jack, who’s the eighth generation of our family in Naperville, and he’s named after my grandpa Jack,” says Nick Stenger, the seventh generation Stenger to live in Naperville. For many new parents, the birth of their firstborn is an extraordinary occasion. For Nick Stenger, it also marks an even more special milestone. 

“It’s funny when you tell people that you’re eight generations now in the same town; they really can’t even wrap their minds around it,” says Nick. 

Staying in one place is rare for Americans

“One study I read said that 12% of Americans are from their hometown and lived there for more than 35 years.  There are a lot of long-standing multigenerational families in Naperville. But to go back 175 years, pretty extraordinary,” says Jeanne Schultz Angel, Associate Vice President of the Learning Experiences Department at Naper Settlement. 

The entrepreneurial spirit of the Stenger family

The Stenger family is often known for its storied history, once having their own brewery in Naperville in the mid-1800s.  Stenger Brewery quickly became one of the top employers in the DuPage County area, even serving as the training ground for the founder of one of the largest breweries ever. 

“The man that the Stenger brothers were mentoring to become the next head brewmaster was Adolph Coors. So when his four years were up, he decided, looking around, that he probably didn’t see as strong a future for himself in the Stenger Brewery.  And I’m not sure why that was. There’s several rumors about that. But he just decided he would go out west to Colorado, and the rest is history,”says Ron Stenger, a sixth generation member of the family and Nick’s Father. 

The Stenger Brewery continued to operate for over four decades, eventually selling to another brewery.  Yet the family’s legacy endured.  For the next 150 years, the Stengers would become bankers, star athletes and coaches, and then own a real estate company that would help grow Naperville.

“What’s interesting to me about the Stenger family legacy is it could have stopped with the brewing and then people could have just done their thing and things like that. But the leadership, the entrepreneurial ship and just sort of that next level success is driving the family,” says Angel. 

Today, Nick Stenger continues to exercise that entrepreneurial spirit 

For the past 40 years, his father Ron Stenger was a financial planner and investor with a business in Oakbrook. Nick followed in Ron’s footsteps, first by joining his father’s business, and now, running his own financial planning company in Naperville. 

“It feels like we’re bringing the business back home and to build a family office where it can keep going even beyond me or beyond my father, beyond Jack, even,” says Nick. And speaking of little Jack, his parents and grandparents are cherishing the bundle of joy he is now. 

“We are so blessed to be only approximately 10 minutes away. So we’re able to continue to pour the love and affection and attention into the new generation. Now, just like it was poured into me,” adds Ron. 

One family. Eight Generations. And 175 years in Naperville. The Stenger family continues to thrive and give back to the community they call home, bringing the legacy of Peter Stenger and his sons full circle. 

May 5th, 2023: 8 generations of the Stenger Family in Naperville, IL

Starting a new financial practice in his family’s hometown since 1848, Nick Stenger and his wife, Jamie, just welcomed their first baby on May 5th.

This is a busy year for Naperville’s Nick Stenger.

He just launched a new company – the financial firm Stenger Family Office – and his wife of two years, Jamie, just gave birth to their son, Jack James Stenger, named after Nick’s grandpa, the 5th generation. Baby Jack is the 8th straight generation of the Stenger family to have Naperville roots – a tradition that began in 1848 when Peter Stenger moved to Naperville and started a brewery there.

In the 175 years since, the Stengers have remained in Naperville, with the family becoming entrepreneurs, financial experts and automobile dealers, among other things, in that time.

“We joke that my wife is 9 months pregnant with a baby, and I was 9 months pregnant with starting a new business,” Nick Stenger said.

Nick previously worked with his father, Ron, a financial advisor who had his own practice before retiring earlier this decade. Nick said his son will be named after his grandfather and Ron’s father, Jack, an entrepreneur, realtor and musician who died earlier this decade at age 95.

“The community has gone from when my grandpa grew up to a few thousand people to now having 140-150,000 people [official census population is 149,104],” Nick said. “It’s been amazing to see it grow and to have this small-town feel with so many big-name companies that are coming in as well.”

The Stenger Brewery was a fixture for decades in Naperville, and it even employed a young Adolph Coors, who was hired in 1869 by Peter’s son, John. Coors worked at the brewery for a few years before leaving for Colorado to start Coors Brewery in 1873.

Nick said he frequently receives requests to rebuild the brewery. For now, he’s focused on Stenger Family Office, an independent fiduciary wealth management firm. The company combines 42 years of investment management and financial planning expertise now alongside tax preparation and estate planning services.

“Our family’s history is a story of innovation, and me starting a new business is our next step in a long line of innovation,” Nick said. “It’s a move toward independence, which my family has always believed in.”

Nick also his taking his father’s place as a board member at Naperville Heritage Society, where Ron Stenger was a huge advocate for preserving the Stenger family history through articles and documentaries.

Jamie is excited for her life in Naperville and already is thinking about another generation of the Stenger family there.

“No pressure to our son, but we hope to carry the legacy onto a 9th generation and beyond,” Jamie said. “Hopefully more people in town will continue to stay around and build their own family legacies. … It’s a special feeling knowing our son will be the 8th generation of Stengers in Naperville. It’s rare these days to have so many generations stay in the same place and I think he will grow to appreciate the significance and history of his family background.”

 For more information, visit

Daily Herald - December, 2018

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Chicago Tribune - December, 2017

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Positively Naperville - September, 2019

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Crain’s Chicago Business - February, 2014

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Chicago Magazine - April, 2008

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